Monday, June 1, 2009

An Open Letter to Soy Products

Dear Stinky Tofu,

Why do you stink so bad? What are you cooked with that makes you smell like old socks and rotting garbage? I would like to think I’m an adventurous eater, Tofu, but I will not put you near my face.




  1. Where are the cheese posts?

  2. I don't think they have cheese in China. I mean maybe that's an unfair stereotype, but I am guessing cheese isn't their big cheese. They're more into noodles and entrails. At least that's what Anthony Bourdain told me.

  3. Ha! That's great, because my roommate is always talking about Anthony Bourdain and citing him as an expert on China cuisine. You're right, there's not much cheese here, but that should not stop my posting about it. I'll get on it.
