Monday, June 22, 2009

Bacon Reunion

Dear Bacon,
I have really missed you, dear friend. I'm glad we ran into each other at the Sofa Cafe (yes, it's a cafe with sofas) where they offer a variety of delicious western food options. I want you to know that I never took you for granted, even during our 3 weeks apart. Let's not be strangers, bacon. 



  1. BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You know whats crazy? We went to brunch and there was no bacon! None was offered anywhere! Its like bacon left Texas for China to be with you!

  2. Haha! That's hilarious. Not to deprive you, but I hope bacon did follow me here. Also, your observation on the cheese vs. bacon posts is well taken. Changes to the sub-head have been made, per your recommendation.

  3. I liked the cheese sub-head better. Just sayin'

  4. I am so happy to hear there is bacon in China. I can officially cross "lack of bacon" off its con list.
