Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Auspicious Smelody of the Operahouse

Last night we went to see the Chinese opera that is playing right across the street from our hotel. It was produced by one of the guys who worked on the opening ceremonies at the Olympics, so we had high hopes. I have to say though, I was pretty glad I didn’t pay for the ticket by the time it was over. The costumes were great, and the set was pretty cool too, but the entire thing was lip-synced. What? And if you’ve never heard a Chinese opera...what's the word here...Piercing? Yes. Shrill? Definitely. 

The best part by far was the translation of the lyrics, which included such gems as,"I walk with minced traits” and use of the word “auspicious” in every context imaginable. One of my favorite things in China are the translations (I've heard them called "Chinglish" and "Engrish" - I can't decide which is funnier) on signs and menus. I’ve included some winners.


  1. I LOVE the man-box pic. Absolutely awesome.

    And how can they lip-sync an opera? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose? I bet they love Britney Spears over there...

  2. That's what I'm saying! It was so weird and unexpected. I have to believe that's not the typical opera experience.

  3. That little girl got called out for lip-syncing the big finale at the opening ceremonies of the olympics, so who knows?! Clearly we should all be pursuing careers as Chinese opera singers.

  4. Emily said it. If the Olympics were lip synced and this guy did the Olympics....then duh his opera is lip synced!

    Lip syncing is the new opera.

  5. oh....and smelody! hahahahahahahaha!
