Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Last day at the beach.

I’m headed back to Beijing today to spend a few more days before my flight to London. I haven’t gotten in that much beach time because we’ve had some rain, so I got up early to spend the morning on the shore. I think it was the first time I’ve been somewhere in China that actually smells good. It was quite lovely. And of course I got to enjoy some more of the insanity of a China beach, and I would like to share a few of the things that you do not want to miss if you ever visit one:


Face masks.

Sand angels.

Leg lifts.

Push ups.

Buried children.


Weight lifting.

And my personal favorite...smoking while exercising.


  1. Ummm what is up with the facemask...I think there is a story here perhaps people who are WAY to into super heros or maybe hypochondriacs who don't trust the water?!?

  2. I'm pretty sure its to keep the sun off their face (the Chinese ladies are very concerned with keeping their skin nice and pale) but to be honest any of the ideas proposed so far are equally as likely. Crazy.

  3. Loved the beach pics, Kelly! Say, is that a natural vingette in those photos or a PS trick of yours? Curious....
